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This website is encrypted. We take your security very seriously. All transactions powered by Shopify.

Rates are approximations. Exact rates will be provided at checkout.

Sapņo kartīte

€1,50 cena €3,00
preces cena
iekļauts PVN

// visas lielās, skaistās, neiedomājami brīnišķīgās un priecīgās dzīves lietas un izvēles ļoti bieži sākas ar klusu sapni - paslēpušos kāda cilvēka sirdī. tāpēc nebaidies sapņot!
lai šī kartīte Tev atgādina, ka sapņot vajag, jo sapņi patiesi piepildās!


kartīte ar izgrieztu S burtiņu pa vidu Taviem radošajiem mirkļiem!

kartītes izmērs: A5

Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.

This website is encrypted. We take your security very seriously. All transactions powered by Shopify.

Rates are approximations. Exact rates will be provided at checkout.

Sapņo kartīte

Sapņo kartīte

€1,50 €3,00